So for starters last week's sailing trip was fantastic, the kids had a great time the weather was good, and of course we had a little vino for good measure. Only bad part was starting out so late on Wednesday due to a snafu at Brian's work, which lead to Jack SCREAMING his head off for about 40 minutes at the end of our 4 hour car ride, because he wanted milk. Unfortunately nothing was open, oh wait I mean there was nothing around, northern WI is a vast area of nothing. So he screamed until we reached Bayfield and prayed that my folks had bought milk and had it on board....did I forget to mention he screamed for 40 minutes which lead him to get so upset that he threw up on himself? Yeah, those of you who don't have children, beware.
So getting back to the trip it was great and below are some pics from the trip.
Bampa & Ross

We got home late on Saturday night so that we could be home for Jaime's Graduation Open House the next day...hence the beginning of the crazy week that we are living. For those who don't know who Jaime is, she is the Mr's little sister, the "baby" of the family...hard to believe she had just turned 5 when we met. After the Open House many of the Gadient siblings (again, for those who don't know, let me enlighten you...Brian=5 siblings, Jen=0 siblings...crazy I know, but how I do love the uber large family I married into) headed on over to Rivers Edge in Somerset, WI for an outdoor Jack Johnson concert. Jack put on an awesome concert as always and everyone had a great time. Got home around 12:30 AM Sunday night (aka Monday morning) for a little shut eye before I started training my new group of eager learners.
Jaime & Ben
Ross & Mark
Me & My Rossman

Jack Johnson lovin'

Sent the trainees home today, trying to recoup a little before the big wedding of Mark & Catherine this weekend. Phew....finally caught up and more to come tomorrow. Until then...
1 comment:
I'm so jealous... you got to see my favorite surfer guitar player Jack the Mack daddy!
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