We got home late on Saturday night so that we could be home for Jaime's Graduation Open House the next day...hence the beginning of the crazy week that we are living. For those who don't know who Jaime is, she is the Mr's little sister, the "baby" of the family...hard to believe she had just turned 5 when we met. After the Open House many of the Gadient siblings (again, for those who don't know, let me enlighten you...Brian=5 siblings, Jen=0 siblings...crazy I know, but how I do love the uber large family I married into) headed on over to Rivers Edge in Somerset, WI for an outdoor Jack Johnson concert. Jack put on an awesome concert as always and everyone had a great time. Got home around 12:30 AM Sunday night (aka Monday morning) for a little shut eye before I started training my new group of eager learners.
Jaime & Ben
Ross & Mark
Me & My Rossman
Sent the trainees home today, trying to recoup a little before the big wedding of Mark & Catherine this weekend. Phew....finally caught up and more to come tomorrow. Until then...
Some trips are just harder than others, this one is hard. I am badly missing my family, work has been "difficult", and I feel like a load just sitting in my room. I am not trying to create a pity party for myself, it's just one of those days. Oh yeah and there is NOTHING good to watch on tv.