Not really sure what to post tonight, other than it has been wayyyyyy to long. The weekend was fun and busy (seems to be a theme for us). Stacy and the little Miss came to visit for the weekend, so Friday night we sort of laid low since Ross was a little under the weather. Then Saturday the big boy had his last soccer game and after that we were off to Emma Krumbees to pick pumpkins with the masses (good god there were a lot of people), finally we ended the day with a little BBQ at our house with the whole fam damnily...well most of them.
Catherine detailed Saturday night's events, feel free to cruise on over to her blog and read about what ensues when the Gadient clan gets together...
Sunday we all decided that we had not spent enough time together so we cruised on over to Rob and Dana's for heartburn inducing chili and football.
Other than that back to the grind this week with another sick munchkin...why must children spread germs between each other?
Here's a few pics of the kiddos from the weekend...
Cutest soccer player I have ever seen...
A medal and a cupcake, does it get any better?
I am bored with you people...

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