Me the night before Jack was born...

to 2 years later, my sweet boy, who is no longer a baby, but a little boy...
I've always said I wish there was a way to warn parents how fast time will fly once you bring a child into your world, but you know what you still won't know until you get there. I love that my "baby" is my "spirited child" a.k.a. full of energy and love AND tests every limit possible. I love you Bubba Lou!
Last but certainly not least is my other sweet boy Rossman...I took this picture from Mark & Catherine's wedding proofs which you check out by going on her blog. This picture captures all of the sweet innocence of my boy, he is my cuddler and little lover who never fails to give you that winning smile or a quick "luv you Mommy" just when you need it...

1 comment:
aw, this one made me a little teary! Mark and I love our little nephews so much!! :)
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