Thursday, July 31, 2008
Oi vey...
...and so it happened again, yesterday I was working as one of the "drink cart girls" at the Summer MMGMA Golf Event at the Black Bear Golf Course (fyi beautiful golf course btw) and we came up to a group of clients and I say...."Anyone lose their balls yet?"
Yep, I am that good.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Lanscaping Project Begins...
There once was a plum tree in our front yard,
now it is gone,
and in our backyard.
The end.
More to come...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Where am I?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Vroom, vroom.....
Until then a little thought on last night....spent the evening in my hotel room with a glass of vino, a decent meal and watching my newest guilty pleasures...Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill...seriously, how old am I???? (No Brian I did not watch Tori and Dean, I save that for you and I). :)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Farm Living is the Life for Me...
Sitting in the wheel of the John Deere tractor (Ross=Heaven)...
One happy kid...The Waltons...
The 5 and under Whipped Cream Pie Contest...Go Simone!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Where does the time go?
Me the night before Jack was sweet boy, Jack's "birth" day, chillin' in the NICU...
to 2 years later, my sweet boy, who is no longer a baby, but a little boy...
I've always said I wish there was a way to warn parents how fast time will fly once you bring a child into your world, but you know what you still won't know until you get there. I love that my "baby" is my "spirited child" a.k.a. full of energy and love AND tests every limit possible. I love you Bubba Lou!
Last but certainly not least is my other sweet boy Rossman...I took this picture from Mark & Catherine's wedding proofs which you check out by going on her blog. This picture captures all of the sweet innocence of my boy, he is my cuddler and little lover who never fails to give you that winning smile or a quick "luv you Mommy" just when you need it...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
You know the drill....
Birthday Boy...
Stop in the name of love...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
You Say It's Your Birthday....
So the kids had a blast and the Mommies were able to catch up on life. I would say it was a successful trip and the pictures below are from when I pulled in the drive way...2 tired boys ready for a good nap (and so was their Mommy)...
After the fantastic time at the park, we napped and prepped for our mini birthday celebration. Jack loved every minute of us singing Happy Birthday to much that I think we sang it at least 3 times....
After all of the excitement of cake...the craziest thing happened...let me set the mood. Crazy freakin' thunderstorm coming through, Stacy glued to the TV trying to channel her inner Sven Sundgaard, lightening everywhere and then it happens...our neighbors house gets hit by lightening, looks like fireworks went off and then the flames start. I think we were all in awe of what we saw and then instantly are yelling at Brian to call 911 because their roof was on fire. Nothing like calling the police while 10 people are telling you what to say. You're welcome honey for our help. Needless to say from all appearances out our kitchen window the rain smothered the flames and the fire department was there in no time. No injuries, but the roof has a big ol' tarp on it where it was hit. Crazy I tell you crazy!
Well that is it for tonight, I have much more to report on but I am tired and the post will definitely need a part 2.....
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Can Someone Throw Me a Freakin' Bone????
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Hello, Ross...This is Al Gore....
Backdrop, my bathroom, washing face with washcloth, water running...Ross observing this..
Ross: Mom, you shouldn't waste water, don't waste water in any of the bathroom. Not the shower or the sink. There is a lot of water in the sink, it comes from the ocean in a tube and don't waste it.
Me: (Looking up)...Ok, I won't...Where did you learn this?
Ross: Don't waste water Mom. There is lots of water in the ocean.
Me: (Thinking, well why do I care then)...Ok Ross, Mommy won't. But where did you learn this?
Ross: I spanked your butt (running away laughing).
The end.
So there you are another random conversation between a 4 1/2 year old and his Mom....something tells me this may become a weekly blog item.....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunshine on My Shoulders...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Malaysia You Say...
Ross: Mom, what is the name of my car?
Me: Ross it doesn't have a name, it's a mystery car.
Ross: No Mom, look on the back of the package, what is the name?
Me: Ross there is no name on the back, it's a mystery, you can call it whatever you want.
Ross: Hmm, must be made in Malaysia.
What the? Where does a 4 1/2 year old learn such things? I have no idea. Also noteworthy tonight, I was told again to give back my crown for "Mom of the Year" for not feeding my kids dinner until 9PM tonight (is anyone keeping track of how many times I have had to renounce my title), but I think it was justified...just having too much fun playing outside.....ahh Summer.
Mr Jack...
Ross acting like his Bampa...
Trekking to the neighbors yard to find ball that has found its way over...
Boys of Summer...