...it has been awhile. Can't say that life has been too crazy, I think I just had a bad case of the "lazies" (I know it's not a real word, but I like it).
So today I have been uber lazy and actually slept most of the afternoon. Yes it was a beautiful day and I chose to sleep it away, but last nights festivities were a little crazy to say it lightly. Somehow a 30th Birthday party turned into a wild night of vino, loud music and cowboy hats. Yeah, it was that good and to boot I partied until after 3AM, which if you know me is a feat in itself.
So the little boy and I napped while the big boy went skiing with Bampa and the Mr cleaned and organized the garage...at least one of us was productive. Tomorrow I head back to NY and plan on not seeking out any overpriced nail salons considering in less than a month we will be in the Caribbean and I plan on finding a new bauble to bring home...did I mention in less than 30 days I will be surrounded by pure paradise for 10 days...excited doesn't even begin to describe how much we are looking forward to this trip. I am pretty sure we talk about it at least once a day. But can you blame us? I mean look at this place...

Other than that the kiddos are great and continue to make me laugh every single day. Their precocious personalities seem to become more and more pronounced as they days go by. Here are a couple of my recent favorite pictures...
Lastly a little story by Ross about his teddy bear...I think Uncle Lance has been influencing the big boy a little more than I thought.

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