Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Men are from Mars...


My girlfriend Carey texted us last night that Obama's speech made her water break, this is very good news as we were hoping she would have the baby before we went on vacation. So we wake up this morning and the following is a conversation between Beerdaddy and I...

Me: (with much excitement) What do you think Carey is going to have? I think it's a girl, but had a dream last night that it was a boy.

Beerdaddy: (with very little reaction) I don't know, but I am sure we will find out by the end of the day.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello Readers!

Hello my faithful I have not been stuck at La Guardia (that's for you Grandma)...more like stuck in a blog funk. I think it's the weather....

At any rate I am back from a weekend of skiing with the family. My body many muscles that haven't been used since...well the last time I went skiing. The exciting part of the weekend is that we got another member of the family on skis....Mr Jack! I am quite the proud Mama seeing my 2 year old on mind you he only went on the bunny hill and of course needed our help, but he had a blast and I can tell he is definitely going to be our little daredevil on the slopes.

Seriously, how cute is he? They are the tiniest skis ever!

He had to carry his skis...becuase "I a big boy Mommy"...
The dynamic duo on the slopes (we didn't plan on Jack skiing, thus he didn't have a helmet yet...don't call CPS)
Ross had a blast as well...of course he is in his 2nd season so he thinks he is a pro. Unfortunately he got the stomach flu on Sunday morning and I got to be on puke patrol in the back seat with him on our ride home from Duluth.

Yes, I document everything...even pictures of them sick in the backseat...

Funny how you get over the nastiness of watching someone puke when it is your own child. Although this got me thinking of my own neurosis about vomiting...what might this be you say? Well I have this little quirk that I actually analyze what kinds of food I will eat when I "think" there is a possibility that I might get sick, i.e. puke. Seriously, I try to think of things that I wouldn't miss if I were to throw up after eating them. So if it is something I really like, I will choose not to eat it, because I know if I did get sick after eating it I would not be able to stomach it anytime soon. Weird, yes, but smart...definitely.

I also had another sort of weird, thought provoking experience...I went to tan tonight and when I got there I noticed the woman behind the counter was one of the owners, only she was like a gazillion pounds skinnier. As I waited in line for my turn, I imagined she would tell me how she had great success on Weight Watchers or South Beach or some insane exercise regimen...which would of course make me oh so jealous that I can't stick to something like that. Simply amazed at her transformation (I haven't seen her since last year when I tanned) I told her how great she looked. She thanked me and then said that she had, had gastric bypass surgery...huh, didn't see that one coming. Which got me thinking, damn I wonder if I weigh enough for that, but wait I don't really care, but holy crap a little nick, tuck, tightening and I could be that thin...but eventually I convinced myself that if I really wanted to look that way surgery would probably not be the first option...maybe a little less vino (which sounds horrible), a little more exercise...oh hell any exercise and I might be on my way. :)

So that's it for the night...just hoping and praying that rest of us do not get sick and counting down the days until paradise...which if I haven't said it before, can't come soon enough.

Not at LGA....

...I am home and want to post, so much to tell....but ya'll gotta wait until tonight. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


...I am at La Guardia with a screwdriver and chicken fingers (yeah, I know I am the portrait of health) about 3 1/2 hours away from being with my guys....much better.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bored and Sad...

...I want to go home. I am homesick, I miss my boys and I miss Brian....yes it has been a "good" trip, did a little exploring but now I am ready to go home. Hotel life can get old real, watch tv, work out, read, phone calls, sleep and do it all over again. I know many think that traveling for work can be a glamorous life...BUT alas that is not always the case. Sometimes it is just down right lonely and I worry about the things I miss back home. It is a phase and I know that, I am just in a little funk today and I know tomorrow it will be all gone the moment my plane touches down.

Until then, I will pout....

For all of you, check out these pics from our Mom and Baby Group photo session taken by Diane Hagler last week...pretty dang cute kids if I do say so myself.
The "original" 5 year olds... The Fab Five Mom's and our Munchkins...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My oh my... has been awhile. Can't say that life has been too crazy, I think I just had a bad case of the "lazies" (I know it's not a real word, but I like it).
So today I have been uber lazy and actually slept most of the afternoon. Yes it was a beautiful day and I chose to sleep it away, but last nights festivities were a little crazy to say it lightly. Somehow a 30th Birthday party turned into a wild night of vino, loud music and cowboy hats. Yeah, it was that good and to boot I partied until after 3AM, which if you know me is a feat in itself.

So the little boy and I napped while the big boy went skiing with Bampa and the Mr cleaned and organized the least one of us was productive. Tomorrow I head back to NY and plan on not seeking out any overpriced nail salons considering in less than a month we will be in the Caribbean and I plan on finding a new bauble to bring home...did I mention in less than 30 days I will be surrounded by pure paradise for 10 days...excited doesn't even begin to describe how much we are looking forward to this trip. I am pretty sure we talk about it at least once a day. But can you blame us? I mean look at this place...
Other than that the kiddos are great and continue to make me laugh every single day. Their precocious personalities seem to become more and more pronounced as they days go by. Here are a couple of my recent favorite pictures...
One major highlight from my week is that I got to spend some time with the big boy by chaperoning a preschool field trip to see the play Good Night Moon. I loved being able to do this with him, but was reminded of how long it has been since I was 5. I learned that 2 children per parent is definitely the max for the inexperienced, that it is possible to say "boy's you need to sit down" at least 12 times in the first mile of our bus ride, that the back of the bus is still the deemed the coolest place to sit, that as you get older and you weigh more it hurts to bounce up and down in the back of the bus, 1 adult and 2 five year old boys is the max you can fit in one bus seat, and lastly I will quote Cole (the other boy I chaperoned) "sitting in the middle is super boring". It is true being 5 inches further away from the window is super boring. But like I said it was a blast and had many a giggles throughout the day.
Lastly a little story by Ross about his teddy bear...I think Uncle Lance has been influencing the big boy a little more than I thought.