So I have so much to post and pictures, OMG the pictures from this summer...I figure I haven't really posted many since Memorial Weekend? Well unfortunately they are not going up tonight, I am too tired and using my teeny tiny bit of energy to sneak a post in. BTW - you may look at the post time and think "Vino Mommy, it's early...why are you tired?" and my answer to that is the time that shows up when I post my blog, does not actually coincide with the real time (i.e. CST). So anyways I digress...
It has been a busy, productive...scratch that...just busy summer. There has been softball, t-ball, tennis camp, weekends at the lake, sailing, a "Gadient Wedding" which is a feat in itself, shower, bacherlorette/bachelor party, Beyonce, picnic at the farm, work....(OMG - especially for Beer Daddy)...successful potty training, birthdays, no more training wheels, family visits and so much's quite ridiculous and wonderful all at the same time.
So as I was running around tonight with Beer Daddy shuffling the kids to and from tennis camp and then home to eat dinner, which turned into a pit stop of cleaning the garage (I know freakin ridiculous how the man gets side tracked), to watering the plants, make dinner, do laundry, clean out the Mini from our weekend away, put crap away, bathe kiddos, brush teeth, blah, blah, blah...I thought of something..."In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." - Benjamin Franklin.
Weird, I know...frankly I am not sure why it crossed my mind, but here's the thing Benny...I have a few more things I am completely and utterly certain of...
1. I will never be caught up with our laundry...ever.
2. Exhaustion is a part of Parenting that they down play...I will always be tired, even after a nap.
3. Chocolate & Vino are my vices...but in moderation they should not kill me...I hope.
4. Beer Daddy and I are late...pretty much always, timeliness is our kryptonite.
5. I never want my kids to grow up too fast, even at their worst...I really do cherish it all.
6. There is nothing sweeter than slowing down and experiencing life though the eyes of your child.
7. Family can be Friends and Friends can be Family.
8. Sometimes the truth really can hurt, no matter how hard you try to not let it.
9. I really did marry my Soul Mate.
10. I will always be forever wanting more time to write on my blog.
So there you go 10 Vino Mommy Truth's, they may not be yours, but they are most definitely mine. I may revisit this list as there is so much more that I am sure of but thought best to end this "renewal post" and keep you wanting more.
Until next time...

Bravo Jen! This blog was fantastic. It made me tear up a bit for so many good reasons. You are a lucky lady for everything in this blog and so much more! Can't wait till our next meeting. Oh by the way my Dad thinks you are pretty cool!
love, love, love the list! was cleaning up my email and found your link and had to made my night. would love to get together sometime soon!
katie rose
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