So much to talk about since the last 6 months, but this is a blog and not a novel so let’s just review the Cliffs Notes version shall we?
-Summer…it was all it should have been, warm, sunny, sailing, the lake, boating, beaching, camping, PERFECT! AND…the man & I celebrated our 10th Anniversary…hard to believe that 10 years went by so fast and I am lucky enough to say I am even more in love with the guy now than I was back then and trust me I was head over heels for him then! We got away for a little vacation to Cape Cod just the two of us and had a BLAST…if you’re a parent & reading this I implore you to get away with your spouse at least 1x a year…you need it…no really you do, just ask me. Also I have decided to add to my list of things I will do when I win the lottery, it now includes buying a home on Nantucket (might by a plane for the island too just in case I miss the ferry…).
-Fall…kids start school, major life change with daycare and it was a difficult lead up but they are both doing great…seriously Ross & Jack love school and this makes us incredibly happy! AND…with their change in schedule our work schedules changed and bonus I get home a lot sooner…this too makes for a very happy Mommy! They both played soccer and Ross also played football…was a busy time but they both had a blast, not so sure on the football front but with age & growth I think Ross will enjoy it more. He was very much the little guy on the team (seriously the smallest by FAR) & I can’t blame the kid for not wanting to be pummeled by a kid 2x his size…other than that they both are growing and thriving and seriously getting smarter by the minute…the transformation is incredible, but too fast as always. Oh yes and the boys got bunk beds and they love it…and so does Mom…so now we have a real guest room for anyone who feels like drinking too much wine with me & spending the night…
-Work…was tough, business was slower than we had both would have liked…I took a “sabbatical” from traveling in Sept & Oct due to the changes the kids were going through with school & daycare and frankly just didn’t want to miss out on the happenings of life during that time…it sort of came back to bite me in the ass in that I ended up traveling more than I wanted to in Nov & Dec, but you do what you have to do. I think as a parent it is tough to be away when your kids are really little because it seems like they change everyday & you don’t want to miss any milestones…unfortunately as they get older it has become apparent that it is much harder on the kids, as both boys have struggled with my travel schedule. Luckily Brian is a great Dad and more than attentive during my travel times and of course I am so guilt ridden that I smother them with love & attention when I return…this parenting is NOT for the weak!
-Health…we’ve all been pretty healthy up until the recent crap that went through our house causing Ross to end up in the ER one night for IV fluids…I tell ya that kid does NOT mess around when it comes to getting sick…he really only gets sick maybe 1x a year, but when he does the shit will hit the fan! We’ve also been dealing with some crazy unexplained allergic reactions with Ross…we have finally conceded that it is more than his pediatrician can figure out and off to the allergist we go in 2 weeks! Send us some good juju that we might possibly get some kind of an answer…
What else, what else…last years resolutions actually held pretty true, as my last post alluded to I started to try and get my weight down and become a healthier me…as of today I am down 26 lbs and still working diligently at losing weight…slipped from my yoga routine, but anxious to get back on that train and add some cardio to the mix. I feel like I am more organized than before…not that I am truly organized yet, but at least it is still a work in progress…I am doing better at managing my time despite what my Mother says and again I haven’t achieved perfection, but it feels like it is getting better. As for the “should we have another baby” it is a resounding No (just don’t ask the boys). Our family of four is everything we wanted in life and this is how it will if only someone would do something about that *cough...Brian...cough*. I’d have to look back and see what else I put down, but like I said 2010 was a great I have plans to make this year even better!
That’s it for today…but tomorrow I have a special post in store for our big boy who is…gah…turning 7!?!??!!
Before I log's my newest favorite family pic of the Vino Familia...