Sunday, November 16, 2008

So much to little time...

...I know I owe the 3 people who read my blog a post, but alas I am traveling yet again and am determined to spend it playing with the big boy who is healthy and snuggle the little boy who is sick...who knew I could be vomited on so many times without having myself actually vomit. The joys of being a parent.

So tonight or possibly tomorrow a post of monstrous proportions about what I have been up to, but now time to pack and head out to LA...

1 comment:

benjamin said...

So I was watching Scrubs last night and there was a line that I thought was hilarious if it turns out to be true...

Turk (to Carla): Baby, why you wanna have kids so bad?

Carla: Dr. Cox told me that they're like having a dog that eventually learns how to talk.

Any truth to that? Because if so, I want a dog (child) so bad.